Plant, Property & Equipment Valuations
Get an accurate valuation from a certified Auctioneers & Valuers Association Valuer
What is a Plant, Property & Equipment Valuation?
A Plant & Equipment Valuation is a valuation of your business infrastructure and equipment.
It is an asset class with particular characteristics that distinguish it from real property. These characteristics affect the selection of the approach adopted in determining market value. Plant and equipment can normally be moved or relocated and will often depreciate faster than real property. This is why it’s important to get a current valuation so you know the true monetary worth of the assets when making financial decisions.

Common Reasons To Get a P&E Valuation
Family Law
Selling assets during a divorce can be difficult, especially when both parties have different opinions on what something is worth. Solve disputes by getting professional 3rd party advice when valuing your assets.
Dissolvement of Business Partnerships
To determine that you’re getting a fair price for your business, a P&E valuation can help you make an informed decision. Buyers will also be more likely to accept your price if they know it’s been professionally appraised.
Taxation Purposes
Banks require a list of the business assets and their value as well as your profit & loss statement when making a decision on how much to loan and at what rates.

Get a Plant & Equipment Valuation
Barry Jones is the Plant & Equipment Valuer for Kevin Hicks Real Estate. With over 20 years in the industry, Barry was a wealth of valuable knowledge and insight into current market valuations and the factors that can affect them.
If you’d like to organise a valuation of your property, please click below and we’ll be in touch soon.
Barry Jones is a member of Auctioneers & Valuers Association of Australia (Member #171)
Mobile: 0437 551 115
Clearing Sales Manager
Chelsea McKay: 0418 371 622
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